Miami Valley Hunt
Founded 1960 Recognized 1966
Come join us!
Miami Valley Hunt welcomes anyone who would like to try foxhunting.
Senior (Over age 35): Unlimited hunts and social events. $750.00
Junior (ages 22-35): Same as Senior Subscriber. $375.00
Youth (thru age 21): Same as Senior Subscriber. $250.00
Family: Same as Senior Subscriber. $1,400.00
Second Hunt Subscriber ($375.00) – Full subscribers of another hunt. Same as Senior.
Social Member: $50.00. Entitles one person to attend all social functions. Patrons receive fixture cards. Patrons who ride may "cap" three times per season ($30.00 per hunt). Youth riders (thru age 21) are not limited to 3 caps per season. Please pay capping fees to the Field Secretary prior to mounting.
MFHA Subscribing Membership – 2015 [$35(person), $100 (family), or $10 (16 and under)]. Required for subscribers, strongly encouraged for all members!! Besides publishing “Covertside” Magazine (pronounced "Cover-side"), the Foundation advocates for us along with other hunting organizations against the many anti-hunting organizations who want to stop hunting altogether.